Hire Graffiti Artist San Francisco | Rye QUARTZ

Graffiti Art | Mural Art | Street Art | Contemporary Art

To hire or commission Graffiti Mural Artist: Rye QUARTZ to create a unique piece of Graffiti Art | Mural Art | Street Art | Contemporary Art in San Francisco, The Bay Area or worldwide

or inquire about: Projects / Collaborations / Live Painting / Workshops / Festivals and more:-

Email RyeQUARTZ@gmail.com


FREE ON-SITE QUOTE (anywhere in the Bay Area)

San Francisco Graffiti Artists - Winning!

San Francisco graffiti artist's Revok, Reyes & Steel of the famous MSK graffiti crew have rightfully won a lawsuit against Italian fashion label Robert Cavalli. The designer copied their original San Francisco graffiti mural (below), altered it and then dared to add his signature in an attempt to pass the artwork off as his own...

San Francisco Graffiti Mural Artist

and here is a image from the graffiti clothing line in question:

San Francisco Graffiti Art
Source: http://www.theworldsbestever.com/2014/08/29/go-getem-boys/

Graffiti Mural | Art Basel, Miami | Wynwood | 2014

Just over a month ago I was blessed to experience the madness of Art Basel, Miami for the first time. The streets of Wynwood were absolutely crazy and filled with graffiti artists, street artists, mural artists and people coming to enjoy all the art shows, murals, graffiti, madness and everything in between.

I was painting in the middle of the action - on 2NW Ave in Wynwood, Miami. After seven days straight painting and roughly 80 hours I finished my largest graffiti mural to date:

'Dream Weaving’ (42 x 5m)

Rye QUARTZ - 'Dream Weaving' - Art Basel, Miami, 2014 (42 x5m) on NW 2nd Ave, Wynwood, Miami.

Rye QUARTZ - 'Dream Weaving' - Art Basel, Miami, 2014 (42 x5m) on NW 2nd Ave, Wynwood, Miami.

Here is a short video to properly represent this massive wall:

Much Love to Ironlak for the massive support on this project!

It was great to catch up with a bunch of friends and meet many new peeps...

I even ran into old school king Cope2 and filmed a quick action with him:

Of course I managed to bench a bunch of other amazing murals, burners and crazy shit but i'll save that for the next update.